Healing Sessions

(using the Breathwork as a tool to LET GO!)

With my full presence—I listen and guide you toward a journey like no other.

Who Am I? Is the question we will tap into in a session.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to feel into this question FREE of the limitations of how others see us? Free of the expectations from others for us? Free from obligations and constant programming from those around us?

Wouldn’t it be amazing to feel deeply the powerful energy that is yours?

These sessions are structured to create a safe space and to generate a meditative state that allows you to tend to your most precious self and to ask the questions: WHO AM I and WHAT DO I NEED?

Allow yourself the gift of letting go and receiving the benefits of what a Breathwork Healing session with me will give you. Would you like to be in a more relaxed state? That’s just the starting point!

You. Are. Worth It.

Private Sessions (In person or remote via Zoom)

Positive effects can include:

Feeling cared for and guided by your own Wisdom.

Feeling more connected to your own life and others.

Feeling more happiness and joy.

Compassion for your journey, for who you have been and who you are today. 

 ***For those whom I have worked with before, my scheduling system has changed. By clicking the BOOKING button above, you will be sending me an email. Feel free to add your day/time preferences, and we will see what we can do. xo Rachel